The Riehl World


    Daytona Beach in March--it doesn't get much better than that...unless, of course, you were at the Florida District Circle K Convention.  The weekend was kicked off by a wonderful speech about what Daytona Beach has to offer.  Things proceeded quickly and soon roll-call and nominations were concluded.  Immediately following opening session, we got down to business--it was time to meet the candidates. Ltg. Jen was the moderator of the caucus room I was in.  Being from the Citrus Division I made note that both UCF and Stetson made a great showing.  All of the candidates responded well to a tough battery of questions.  After a late night of getting to know the future leaders of the Florida District I caught some shuteye.
    Early Saturday morning I attended a couple of the informative workshop that had been arranged.  Following the Presidents' workshop, I learned about Public Speaking from Dr. Garth Jenkins.  Before lunch, the second and final round of caucuses was held.  After we finished "grilling" the candidates it only seem appropriate that we head to a barbecue at a local park--everyone seemed to enjoy the food and fun.  I know UCF and FSU-Tampa enjoyed hanging out on the playground.  Even the "First Daughter" of Florida got into the fun.  The alumni took advantage of the beautiful day and location to hold their meeting.  Others of us decided to take advantage of the volleyball court.  As the sun began its decent it was time to return to the hotel and prepare for the President's Banquet.
    The Presidents made an impressive showing.  Actually, everyone was looking their best.  This year, being the 40th annual District Convention, was celebrated in style.  All of the past governors of the Florida District were extended a special invitation. Andy Hall introduced many of his fellow governors.  The line-up was an incredible sight--from the first to the last.  Additional recognition was in order including the presentation of the Sophie Laval Alumni Scholarship to Lauren Goldstein.  The next part of the evening was dedicated to recognizing the achievements and talent of the district.  A few special moments included Mini accepting the Single Service Award for UCF and, of course, the All Knowing Karnac.  Congratulations to the University of Miami, the club of the year!  The evening wrapped up with a dance and Jail & Bail.  Hundreds of dollars were raised for the eradication of Iodine Deficiency Disorder that night.
    After a few hours of sleep I arrived at the House of Delegates to witness the election of the 1999-2000 Board of Officers.

Governor Jonathan Hethcox, Flagler College
District Secretary Caridad de la Vega, University of Miami
District Treasurer Desiree Hammond, University of Miami
District Editor Samantha Sinclair, Flagler College

The weekend concluded with the Governor's Brunch.  I was thrilled to see the number of Circle K members that rose to the Governor's Challenge.  I am also very proud of my home club at the Univeristy of Central Florida for all of their accomplishment this past year and helping to make the convention an outstanding one.  Good luck to all of the new leaders as you take office April 1st.  May your focus be on service and your actions be true.