The Riehl World


banner.jpg (16388 bytes)New Year's in NYC, 1998 - 1999

After living in New York for 22 years I had to move to Florida before taking my first trip to Times Square for New Year's.  The New York District Circle K was hosting the "New Conference".  That is where the Circle K Districts of New York, New Jersey and New England get together for New Years in New York City.  Being an alumnus of the NY District Circle K, I met up with a bunch of my friends for the event.  My brother and sister also tagged along.  The turn-out was awesome with about 30 people in attendance.  We hung out at Manhatten College for a while then took the subway to Times Square.  After freezing for a few hours with a several hundred thousand other crazy people, we returned to the college for some more fun.

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The Riehl Kids in 1998.  (Jeremy, Stephanie, Chris)

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Circle K is cool!!!

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We're on our way!

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Sara and I in Times Square

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Let's party like it's 1999!

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The Riehl kids in Times Square, 1999!