The Riehl World


The Riehl Family

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Mom, Dad, Chris, Steph & Me (July 1996)

There is Dad and Mom, a.k.a Michael and Susan Riehl; two of the most wonderful parents in the world.   They are both loving and supportive.  They gave my siblings and I room to grow while always being there when we need them.  They live in Beacon, New York where I grew up. 

I currently live in Orlando with my older brother, Chris.   You can find out more about him at his website.  Rouding out the family is my younger sister Stephanie.  She got all the beauty without sacrificing any of the brains or personality.  She is pursuing her Physical Therapy degree at Utica College in New York. 

Alma Ligay, a.k.a. Grandma, lives just three hours from me down in Delray Beach.   I definately got my "Live life to the fullest" and "Keep busy" attitude from her.  With cooking that is out of this world--from homemade bread to Polish pirogies--it is always a treat to share a meal and some stories.  Grandpa Al and Grandma Alma with us three kids (July 1996).